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Blooms - Chatibuky

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A4 print. 300 grs paper.

9,92€ Without taxes for countries outside EU

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She looked at her blossoming and envied her. That healthy flower, strong, with a red colour didn’t tremble before anything or anybody. A perfect contrast of complementary colours between the green stalks and her beautiful young flower. What she didn’t know is that the black cloud above her head, which followed her everywhere, was full of water and had made many leaves grow. Some were dark, but some others were lighter, all of them different, but all leaves in the end. Some were weaker, others stronger, but together they made her. They gave her a story to tell. Although that colour was incredible, she had learnt that sometimes colour is found in places where it can’t be seen at first glance. It can be found in an unexpected place where only some special eyes are able to see it.

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