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The fishbowl Mug - Chatibuky

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The fishbowl Mug

Illustrated mugs full of color

8,27€ Without taxes for countries outside EU

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Getting on stilts is quite complicated. As a metaphor it is very nice, looking at things from the top of them, feeling the fresh air. But sometimes it's important to look at the things from another point of view. Go out and look at it from the outside, and try not to betray the dreams that we have inside. Many times these dreams are hidden in places deeper than the head itself. They swim through our body, they are implanted and you don't know how to make them come true. Sometimes they don't even know they are there. Is it useful to climb on stilts and look with perspective, what to do? What do you think? Or do you just have to let them swim and move on? The same applies to problems...I think.

This nice mug will help you to remember how important is to look from a different point of view.

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